Super Strong God Hillsong Kids | David Wakerley외
God So Loved Hillsong Kids4집 Tell the world | Reuben Morgan
Lean On You Hillsong Kids4집 Tell the world | Barry Southgate
My Number One(내게 최고인 주님) Hillsong Kids4집 Tell the world | David Wakerley외
Yours Alone Hillsong Kids4집 Tell the world | Mia Fieldes
Supernatural(전지 전능한 주) Hillsong Kids3집 | Beci Wakerley외
Jesus In My Life(내 안에 주님이 계셔) Hillsong Kids2집 | Andy Wallis외
Never Give Up Hillsong Kids1집 | Brittany Grey
I'm Really Happy Hillsong Kids1집 | David/Beci Wakerley
Rainbow(무지개) Hillsong Kids2집 | David Wakerley/Beci Wakerley
Radio(라디오) Hillsong Kids2집 | David Wakerley/Beci Wakerley
I Believe In Jesus(난 주님을 믿네) Hillsong Kids2집 | Mia Fieldes
Did You Know? Hillsong Kids1집 | Brittany Grey
Let Your Light Shine Hillsong Kids2집 | Andy Wallis
Superhero(예수님은 나의 영웅) Hillsong Kids1집 | David/Beci Wakerley