Giver Of Life(생명의 주)

When Silence Falls | Tim Hughes
Giver of life, You never change
All that is perfect comes from You
Your wonders never cease
Not even life, not even death
Nor any power in heaven or earth
Could separate us from Your love

You are good
And Your mercies last a lifetime
You are good, always, always
Everyday, Your love is never ending
For You are good, always always

Freely you give
New every day
Your mercies will never fail
So great is Your faithfulness!
Your love is kind, Your love is pure
Your love will always persevere
Every blessing comes from You
You delight to pour Your goodness down
You delight to pour Your goodness down
난이도 ☆☆☆
지은이 Tim Hughes
형식 단선율
장르 영어악보
페이지 2
캐쉬 800

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