You(오직 주)

Hillsong With 캠퍼스워십 | Joel Houston
Invading all my weakness
You wrapped me up in grace
The worst of me succeeded by the best of You

My heart is overtaken
My soul is overwhelmed
The worst of me succeeded by the best of You

My dreams have found their purpose
My future in Your hands
This life would have no meaning if it weren't for You

So I lay me down
For Kingdom come
Steal all that is within me
Cause all I want in this world is more of You

And the less of me it is You
Increasing as I fade away
Your light for all the world to see
God It is You who breaks the chains
It is You who lights the way
And everything I am cries out for You

Lord make my life transparent
Your life in mine displayed
And let every earthly glory
Go back to You

So I lay me down
For Kingdom come
Steal all that is within me
Cause all I want in this world Is more of You

And the less of me it is You
Increasing as I fade away
Your light for all the world to see
God It is You who breaks the chains
It is You who lights the way
And everything I am cries out for You
난이도 ☆☆☆
지은이 Joel Houston
형식 단선율
장르 영어악보
페이지 3
캐쉬 800

악보 구매 안내

  • 1. PC와 맥에서 인쇄하실 수 있습니다. (모바일은 결제/구매만 가능)
  • 2. 악보는 인쇄만 가능하고 다운로드, 이메일, 우편발송등의 서비스를 지원하지 않습니다.
  • 3. 가사와 동영상은 참고용으로 악보와 정확히 일치하지 않을 수 있습니다.

You(오직 주) 곡의 다른 형식

곡명 앨범·출처 형식 KEY 듣기 보기 영상 연습 담기

Your Name High(주 이름 높이리라)

단선율 A

오직 주 KEY↕

큰글자 A

오직 주

단선율 B

오직 주

큰글자 B

Yours Is The Kingdom(주님의 나라)

단선율 G

주님의 나라

큰글자 G

주님의 나라

단선율 G

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